Wednesday, March 30, 2011

City of Zeeland Budget

Last night we finished up a two night overview of the City of Zeeland  2011 / 2012 budget. While not the most exciting of sessions, they were no less important. What was evident over that last two nights was Federal and State influences on our budget  This year the Governors office has laid out specific proposed legislation that City's, Townships, Villages will have to follow in order to obtain state revenue sharing, a direct impact to their general funds. Units of government will have a check list to meet if they wish to receive Revenue Sharing. 
  • Accountability and transparency performance dashboard October 1, 2011
  • Develop plans for Consolidation and collaboration January 1,2012
  • Address employee compensation
Other influences we saw were things like the FCC narrow banding project forcing city's all over the country to buy new radios for police fire and municipalities. Tools like the Brownfield Credits that are used for  economic and environmental development are proposed to go away. We may see rules for City employee Healthcare requirements, pension rules, Green power (a whole topic by itself).

All that said. They City of Zeeland is financially sound and will be able to meet the pending proposed legislation requirements, thanks to sound planning over the last few years. Over the next several weeks we will refine our budget, propose a mileage rate ( no increase is proposed) and then a vote to pass the budget. 

Be Safe

Friday, March 11, 2011

Change it up

My running partner and I have been hitting runs together 2 to 3 days a week. This past week her schedule  prevented her from any runs together, except for the our long this weekend. We both spit off and ran with other people and did different things. We both got different types of speed work in, and we both saw times on our Garmins that we were happy to see.

So often routine for one person gets you in that rut and your out there just because. Same happens with two people I believe as well.  Mixing up your routines and mixing with other runners forces you to get out of the box and try something different. Think of it as cross training across different people. Being flexible in your training can bring you good results and get to know some new people too. 

Don't get me wrong it will be nice to run with Amy again this Sunday. Hope we can wear shorts too.

Run safe Run Strong

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Took a slush shower

I have become a firm believer that the only people who pay attention to runners and bikers are just that, runners and bikers. Today was just not our day, from the elderly lady who gave us the finger today, and no not that one, the one pointing back and forth at us to move over. Not sure where we were supposed to go and since the truck in front of her moved we really didn't see why she didn't either. And since we were running in the gravel already our choices were a ditch or finger ladies hood. My running partner and I do make it a point to do a "thank you wave" to drivers who do move over or who brake and hold back traffic to let us pass. To top it all of today at mile 6 or 7, a small straight truck decided that he wanted to douse a couple of runners and moved over to hit the giant slush pile and shower us with cold slimy slush. I am certain the driver was getting a pretty good chuckle, least someone did. 

So what side of the steering wheel are you? Is is that hard to move over, Especially during the winter season? for the runner, biker, and the walker? I am pretty sure that the finger lady is a firm believer in lines, and you better not be in them. That said, when your driving make sure you move over if only to teach the driver behind you.

Despite that we managed to crank out 10 miles of snowy roads, and solve a few of the worlds problems at the same time.

As always be safe.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Eat like crap then run

Running with friends sometimes forces you to be a bit flexible. Move your long a day here or there, schedule times differently. Maybe you have to work, maybe the weather one day is better than the other. When being flexible be sure to plan what you eat accordingly. Don't be like me this past weekend.
My son had made some Hormel dip for his lunch and it sure smelled and tasted so good, and I didnt have to cook my own lunch. Little did I know I would get a text an hour or two later and it read "lets get our 8 miles in now"  My running partenr and I  opted to run Saturday afernoon in the sun rather than the pending ice / winter storm that was predidcted on Sunday. Awesome right?

Yup 8 miles of Hormel dip jumping around in my stomach. Forced me to walk a few times just to let my stomach settle down.  Hartburn really bad at mile 7, pushed to just be done and end the stomach lurching.

It was good that I had an understanding running partner who slowed with me when I needed too, and told me to suck it up in the last mile and a half .

Guess that was my reminder that eating better before my longs is a must.

Good stomach = Good Run

Friday, February 18, 2011

Do the doo part Deux

Ah the subtle hints of spring, the days get longer, the weather breaks, the roads are clearer, the side walks show up again. And last but not least the dog doo, lots and lots of it. As I went on my morning run it became a dog doo mine field. I started jumping, skipping and hopping to the next safe spot. I know i was getting laughed at by passerby's that saw me acting like Super Mario. Storm was even getting into the act zig zagging between the danger that lay ahead. He looked up at me, I told him he was right, people just don't think. (don't tell me you don't talk to your dog [insert pet here]) It seemed to span several blocks, traffic cleared and I was able to get back to the safety of the road. 

Anyone who sees me our for a run will often see me with my dog Storm, a nice sized black lab, they will also often see me with a white bag swinging from one of my arms. And if you haven't guessed, it is not running snacks in there. I tend to carry it to the next garbage can, or home and discard it there. I guess people have other uses for those plastic bags you get from the grocery store, or figure the snow will cover it up, or maybe its biodegradable. 

Not every one lets their dogs doo litter the landscape, many are responsible with their pets. And thanks to them for doing what is right. I find it funny, yet sad that we many units of government have laws against doo dropping. drop a Google search and you will find over 100,000 hits.

If you feel as I do please link this, maybe if we spread the word a bit we wont have as many doo land mines. And be sure to thank those who carry bags or buckets for their pets.

/tread safely and cleanly

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tri what

Attending a meeting about doing the millennium triathlon in August, with a group from church.

Hmm not sure what to think about that yet.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Be Smart Be Safe

Out running this past friday morning and it was a bit dark out so i grabbed one of those obnoxious led blinking lights and placed it squarely on the front side of my bright yellow Brooks Night life coat, and lit the front of me up with bright red LED goodness. Storm ( my dog) and I took the run easy, as the roads were a bit snowy and icey. About a mile in, I saw a car backing out of the driveway and I knew right away he did not see me. I stopped and allowed him to back up. All of a sudden the car lurched to a stop. I think the presence of my dog and I standing there with only a few between us and the car, must have scared him, cause he just sat there blocking the road staring at us. This was not my first run in with a car that didn't see me nor will it by my last.

Don't assume
Never assume anyone sees you. Good running form says to look straight ahead, good advice if only to see that car backing out of their driveway or not moving over if your sharing the road. Even though you may have the right away doesn't mean you need to go toe to toe with a 2000 car, you wont win.

Light up my life
Be sure to have a some kind of light on you, if only to give cars a better chance to see you. Head lamp, bright LED blinky light etc. Most running gear has some kind of reflective material on it.. 

Be Alert
Being alert of your situation is key. Take responsibility for your own safety. Did you know that the cross walk are for cars? Me either, but I have had it more than once being in the middle of the crosswalk and getting dirty look from a driver trying to turn the corner. Point is just be alert to what is happening around you. Maybe one ear bud is enough? I saw a news article that some areas are making it against the law for a runner to have music in both ears.

Call me please
Take a cell phone with you. I personally do not take one on runs shorter than 10 miles simply I have no place to put it. Once I hit about 10 i tend to carry water in my Amphipod belt. And my Amphipod has a zip pouch that I place my phone in. (in a zip lock bag).

Sometime I feel i could be lit up like a Christmas tree and no one would still see me. Don't assume and Run safe

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Running for 22 years

This past Monday night our Mayor, Les Hoogland, announced that he will not be running for reelection. For 22 years hes has served as Mayor and councilman. We knew this day would come some day, but my heart hoped for just a little more.

When he first became mayor our city had a strong mayor system, this meant the mayor and council ran the day to day business of the city. I don't know many people with the tremendous memory he has of the workings of the city yesterday and today. He has and will continue to be a great resource. When I get to be his age I hope I have half the energy he does.

Mayor Hoogland has forged many relationships with most of the businesses and corporations of the City of Zeeland. His leadership there will be strongly felt. The next Mayor will have big shoes to fill, and a standard that will be hard to match.

Local article Here

I wish to publicly thank Mayor for his years of service and the mentoring he has provided me. While we didnt always agree, he respected my opinions, and never took our disagreements personally.

Kudos to you Mr. Mayor

Monday, February 7, 2011

"The Long Run" a definite good read

A New York city Freighter's Triumphant comeback from a crash victim to Elite Athlete. 

This past Saturday my dad stopped by my store with an excerpt from The Long Run by Matt Long he had printed off.  While I don't typically take my Dad up on his reading suggestions, I said I would read it. I  brushed it off until after my Sunday morning run, I picked up his printed pages and gave it a read.

However, This excerpt was a little different than the one I had seen in Runners World   After heading home after church, I grabbed my Kindle and downloaded the book. (A nerd, I know but I love my Kindle) With in seconds I was hooked deep into this book and read the entire book this past Sunday afternoon, page after page flew by, shaping a story of a man who had qualified for Boston among years of triathlons and running races , when the unthinkable happened. Hit by bus while riding his bike to work because of a Transit strike. The book details the long journey to recovery, the long recovery to new man.  All his challenges and personal demons along the way is enough to inspire most of us try harder. After finishing this book, it certainly made me think twice about complaining on a run ever again. My sore muscles or blistered toe pales in comparison to Matt's torturous injuries .

Runner, Firefighter or not I highly recommend this book.

Check the Video for the book Here

Friday, February 4, 2011

Time to Play

Do kids need recess? 
Do you?

In going through my emails and twitter updates this morning, with a hot cup of coffee, I came across the above question. Attached to those questions was a link from a TED talk by Jill Vialet of Play Works. While normally I wouldn't think to watch a 17 minute video ( my attention span is shorter than that). The question seemed to stick with me. Thanks Becky Worley. Seeing my kids be refreshed this am after two snow days says to me that weekends are not always enough to recharge their batteries.
After watching it occurred to me that I use running as my play, and that not only kids need playtime, we adults need it too. When I run sometimes I get so deep in thought I loose track of a lot of miles, that is my therapy. A serious runner might scoff and say thats your runners high and you really need to focus. Do you?   I am not Ryan Hall so i dare bet me vegging into deep into thought won't make me win or loose anything, or put me any further behind the top finishers.  Heading out on that run <insert your activity here> makes me a better person to live with and work with, that much I know. What does it do for you? or the Better question, What can it do for you?

We all talk about our busy lives, and how there is just not time to do "everything". Not sure what your house looks like but mine is filled with swimming, karate, piano, homework, etc. I encourage you to take, if only a few minutes, to play. Head out for that run, or walk and take your kids with you as well.

/end philosophy 101

See you out there.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sunny Dig out 2011

Dig out 2011, after nearly a record snowfall, begins with my neighbor still feeling the after effects of yesterdays snowmageddon, getting stuck at the end of her driveway about 6:15 this morning. My first thoughts was is this day going to be like yesterday, while pushing on the hood of her van with another neighbor. After getting her out and grabbing a cup of coffee I see that  the Sun is going to shine today. Thank God! I am sure every business, including mine, was glad to see the sun today.  Since most businesses, schools, even the mail, were closed yesterday it give us a chance to start anew. I think it gives people that extra motivation to get the rest of their drive way, parking lots, and road cleaned out, and get out and do the things that just didn't get done yesterday.   Schools were closed yet again today, I imagine a lot of the back road are yet not clear. My kids rejoiced at yet another day off, although two days of their togetherness seems to be taking its toll on the parental units, and the urge to get them to school is increasing by the hour.

Seeing the roads clear up with the sun make me anxious to grab Storm (my lab) and head out for a run tomorrow. Thanks to the City of Zeeland street crew who did an awesome job.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

#cm11 registration open

My cell rang at lunch time and it was none other that Michael Chitwood from Team World Vision calling to tell me that Chicago Marathon registration opened but the race is said to be selling out even faster this year. I must say running for TWV was a great experience and I enjoyed every minute of it.

It all started with a sermon I heard in church based on the The hole in our gospel series, the particular sermon that moved me was one based on water, and how little money it takes to bring water to those who have to walk several miles just for a jug full. Another church in the area did a life size diorama of the life of 5 African children. Walking through that stirred another cord with me.   I was going to run a marathon anyway but for a completely different reason. Around the same time I saw in our church bulletin that a group from our church is teaming with TWV to run the Chicago Marathon.  I signed up.

Before I knew it I was off training and collecting donations to help lives in Africa. I was no longer training for me I was training for things like water, food, education, for basic care. I was suddenly part of something bigger than myself. Did I win Chicago? um not even close. But I did finish with a team of orange and finished with a sense of accomplishment, and made some new friends along the way. Little did I know I would be asked to speak in front of church, which if you know me, its really not my thing.

I encourage you to run for a cause, and be a part of even a small bit of change. It doesn't have to be a marathon either it can be a short fun run /walk or 5k. Tons of non for profits are turning to hosting runs to raise money, raise awareness, and get their message out.

Monday, January 31, 2011

River Bank 2011

I just registered for my 4th River Bank Run This 25k run has a special place for me. This is where running really shifted into a higher gear for me. Showing me that long distance runs can be satisfying and challenging. No I wont win and no i probably will not win my age bracket either.

Come run with me and 22000 others May 14 2011

Winter Blahs, but what did I expect?

This #runnerd has a case of the winter blahs. I complain about it count the days to spring, and cherish every sunny day.

But I live in Michigan and believe it or not we have winter here. And Sunday I trudged outside for a 5 mile run with my dog Storm, just trying to get it done the I came across and army of sorts that put a smile on my face. The City of Zeeland Joined Wintervention a contest between cities to see who can build the most snowmen in an allotted time. For official counts head here

The 268 snowmen put a frosty grin on my face and made my five mile winter run a lot more bearable. Looking for those little things in the cold tundra do help make winter running a lot more doable.