I have become a firm believer that the only people who pay attention to runners and bikers are just that, runners and bikers. Today was just not our day, from the elderly lady who gave us the finger today, and no not that one, the one pointing back and forth at us to move over. Not sure where we were supposed to go and since the truck in front of her moved we really didn't see why she didn't either. And since we were running in the gravel already our choices were a ditch or finger ladies hood. My running partner and I do make it a point to do a "thank you wave" to drivers who do move over or who brake and hold back traffic to let us pass. To top it all of today at mile 6 or 7, a small straight truck decided that he wanted to douse a couple of runners and moved over to hit the giant slush pile and shower us with cold slimy slush. I am certain the driver was getting a pretty good chuckle, least someone did.
So what side of the steering wheel are you? Is is that hard to move over, Especially during the winter season? for the runner, biker, and the walker? I am pretty sure that the finger lady is a firm believer in lines, and you better not be in them. That said, when your driving make sure you move over if only to teach the driver behind you.
Despite that we managed to crank out 10 miles of snowy roads, and solve a few of the worlds problems at the same time.
As always be safe.
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