Friday, February 18, 2011

Do the doo part Deux

Ah the subtle hints of spring, the days get longer, the weather breaks, the roads are clearer, the side walks show up again. And last but not least the dog doo, lots and lots of it. As I went on my morning run it became a dog doo mine field. I started jumping, skipping and hopping to the next safe spot. I know i was getting laughed at by passerby's that saw me acting like Super Mario. Storm was even getting into the act zig zagging between the danger that lay ahead. He looked up at me, I told him he was right, people just don't think. (don't tell me you don't talk to your dog [insert pet here]) It seemed to span several blocks, traffic cleared and I was able to get back to the safety of the road. 

Anyone who sees me our for a run will often see me with my dog Storm, a nice sized black lab, they will also often see me with a white bag swinging from one of my arms. And if you haven't guessed, it is not running snacks in there. I tend to carry it to the next garbage can, or home and discard it there. I guess people have other uses for those plastic bags you get from the grocery store, or figure the snow will cover it up, or maybe its biodegradable. 

Not every one lets their dogs doo litter the landscape, many are responsible with their pets. And thanks to them for doing what is right. I find it funny, yet sad that we many units of government have laws against doo dropping. drop a Google search and you will find over 100,000 hits.

If you feel as I do please link this, maybe if we spread the word a bit we wont have as many doo land mines. And be sure to thank those who carry bags or buckets for their pets.

/tread safely and cleanly


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