Running with friends sometimes forces you to be a bit flexible. Move your long a day here or there, schedule times differently. Maybe you have to work, maybe the weather one day is better than the other. When being flexible be sure to plan what you eat accordingly. Don't be like me this past weekend.
My son had made some Hormel dip for his lunch and it sure smelled and tasted so good, and I didnt have to cook my own lunch. Little did I know I would get a text an hour or two later and it read "lets get our 8 miles in now" My running partenr and I opted to run Saturday afernoon in the sun rather than the pending ice / winter storm that was predidcted on Sunday. Awesome right?
Yup 8 miles of Hormel dip jumping around in my stomach. Forced me to walk a few times just to let my stomach settle down. Hartburn really bad at mile 7, pushed to just be done and end the stomach lurching.
It was good that I had an understanding running partner who slowed with me when I needed too, and told me to suck it up in the last mile and a half .
Guess that was my reminder that eating better before my longs is a must.
Good stomach = Good Run
I hear you! For some reason I need to re-learn this lesson every so often.
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